Pluggable Liquidity (PLP)

PLP (Pluggable Liquidity PLP) enables anyone to extend the 0x Protocol with their own on-chain liquidity provider, like an AMM (Automated Market Maker). Liquidity providers are sandboxed so their code can be totally closed-source; they are executed via the LiquidityProviderFeature

Implementing a Liquidity Provider

The only requirement is that the provider implements the interface in ILiquidityProvider. Note that sellEthForToken and sellTokenForEth do not need to be implemented if the liquidity provider does not trade ETH/WETH.

/// @dev Trades `inputToken` for `outputToken`. The amount of `inputToken`
///      to sell must be transferred to the contract prior to calling this
///      function to trigger the trade.
/// @param inputToken The token being sold.
/// @param outputToken The token being bought.
/// @param recipient The recipient of the bought tokens.
/// @param minBuyAmount The minimum acceptable amount of `outputToken` to buy.
/// @param auxiliaryData Arbitrary auxiliary data supplied to the contract.
/// @return boughtAmount The amount of `outputToken` bought.
function sellTokenForToken(
    address inputToken,
    address outputToken,
    address recipient,
    uint256 minBuyAmount,
    bytes calldata auxiliaryData
    returns (uint256 boughtAmount);

/// @dev Trades ETH for token. ETH must either be attached to this function
///      call or sent to the contract prior to calling this function to
///      trigger the trade.
/// @param outputToken The token being bought.
/// @param recipient The recipient of the bought tokens.
/// @param minBuyAmount The minimum acceptable amount of `outputToken` to buy.
/// @param auxiliaryData Arbitrary auxiliary data supplied to the contract.
/// @return boughtAmount The amount of `outputToken` bought.
function sellEthForToken(
    address outputToken,
    address recipient,
    uint256 minBuyAmount,
    bytes calldata auxiliaryData
    returns (uint256 boughtAmount);

/// @dev Trades token for ETH. The token must be sent to the contract prior
///      to calling this function to trigger the trade.
/// @param inputToken The token being sold.
/// @param recipient The recipient of the bought tokens.
/// @param minBuyAmount The minimum acceptable amount of ETH to buy.
/// @param auxiliaryData Arbitrary auxiliary data supplied to the contract.
/// @return boughtAmount The amount of ETH bought.
function sellTokenForEth(
    address inputToken,
    address payable recipient,
    uint256 minBuyAmount,
    bytes calldata auxiliaryData
    returns (uint256 boughtAmount);

/// @dev Quotes the amount of `outputToken` that would be obtained by
///      selling `sellAmount` of `inputToken`.
/// @param inputToken Address of the taker token (what to sell). Use
///        the wETH address if selling ETH.
/// @param outputToken Address of the maker token (what to buy). Use
///        the wETH address if buying ETH.
/// @param sellAmount Amount of `inputToken` to sell.
/// @return outputTokenAmount Amount of `outputToken` that would be obtained.
function getSellQuote(
    address inputToken,
    address outputToken,
    uint256 sellAmount
    returns (uint256 outputTokenAmount);

Trading with a Liquidity Provider

To trade with a liquidity provider use the sellToLiquidityProvider function.

/// @dev Sells `sellAmount` of `inputToken` to the liquidity provider
///      at the given `provider` address.
/// @param inputToken The token being sold.
/// @param outputToken The token being bought.
/// @param provider The address of the on-chain liquidity provider
///        to trade with.
/// @param recipient The recipient of the bought tokens. If equal to
///        address(0), `msg.sender` is assumed to be the recipient.
/// @param sellAmount The amount of `inputToken` to sell.
/// @param minBuyAmount The minimum acceptable amount of `outputToken` to
///        buy. Reverts if this amount is not satisfied.
/// @param auxiliaryData Auxiliary data supplied to the `provider` contract.
/// @return boughtAmount The amount of `outputToken` bought.
function sellToLiquidityProvider(
    address inputToken,
    address outputToken,
    address payable provider,
    address recipient,
    uint256 sellAmount,
    uint256 minBuyAmount,
    bytes calldata auxiliaryData
    returns (uint256 boughtAmount);

This function transfers tokens from msg.sender to the liquidity provider then executes the trade through a sandboxed contract external to the Exchange Proxy. The sandbox then executes the trade through the provider. This function then transfers the output tokens to the recipient.

This function will emit a LiquidityProviderSwap event if the trade succeeds. It will revert if the amount of outputToken returned by the Liquidity Provider is less than minBuyAmount.